Friday, May 9, 2014

"Third Culture Kids"
God has been calling us to some big changes, and we feel like we are in constant transition. The move from one culture to another and now from one ministry to another has been unsettling. Living in a foreign culture in a developing country for over a decade presents some unique challenges and stresses. It would be difficult for most people to relate to our frustrations, hassles, and losses. This is why we found our recent week of ‘Debriefing and Renewal’ at Mission Training International in Colorado so refreshing.  The counselors there were caring and helpful. But the best thing about the week was hearing other couples from various Missions with similar experiences. We met families coming from Ukraine, Mongolia, India, Latin America and various parts of Africa. While they were returning from different parts of the world our experiences were remarkably similar. Hearing others tell their stories and struggles helped us process some of what we’ve been facing. One family was forced to move and lost their home and possessions. One man was effectively using ‘Biblestorying’ in a local dialect but had to leave the mission field for family reasons. Another family had to return to the states because one of their children just couldn’t adapt to the culture. Several others had to leave their fields because of conflicts with mission administrators.  
MTI 'Debrief and Renewal' 4/27-5/2
Mission work is a paradoxical mix of the ‘good and the bad’, ‘victory and failure’, and ‘joy and sorrow’. Trying to make Christ known in a foreign culture is both rewarding and emotionally challenging. The week at MTI opened our eyes to some important issues and really helped our family. Our girls are ‘third culture kids’ because they don’t feel like they completely belong in either culture and this is true for Laura and I as well. Our girls easily related to the other ‘missionary kids’ there at the conference and the ‘MTI’ staff that worked with them were incredibly insightful.

MTI in Colorado.
Now that we are  starting to feel settled, we have to start getting ready to leave for Africa in September. At the same time we have to increase our support and we already have a full schedule of speaking engagements through August (See below). We also have to move at the end of July. Dear friends have graciously invited us to move into their place for August and September. After that we’ll have to get ready to move across the world, which means more preparation and packing. The two constants for us are change and Jesus who never changes.

During the week we meditated on God as the gardener and Jesus as the vine from John 15. God has been pruning us for his good purpose. We are branches that cannot bear fruit apart from the vine. Jesus is essential and we are fruit-bearing branches connected to the vine as a family. I cannot bear fruit alone, and my family is integral to the ministry. As a family we need to regroup so we can grow together in connection to the vine particularly as we transition to a new home and a new ministry.  

As we prepare to leave the states, leave African Bible College were we’ve for 12 years, join the Africa Christian Training Institute and plant a local church in South Africa please pray for us. Now perhaps more than ever we sense our utter dependency upon God. We humbly ask that you would pray for us as a family. To our faithful partners we thank you for your prayerful generous support of the ministry that God has given us in Africa.

Zikomo Kwambiri (thanks very much),
Reverend Jay, Laura, Clara, Katherine and Lauren Stoms.

Africa Christian Training Institute (Jay Stoms Ministry Fund).
P O Box 15621; Panama City FL 32406-5621

Upcoming Speaking Engagements:
May 11th          CrossSound Church, Bainbridge Is., WA         Sunday Sermon
May 18th          Resurrection Presbyterian, Puyallup, WA.     Sunday Sermon.
May 25th          Westminster Church, Vancouver, WA.           Sunday Sermon.
May 27th          Bellevue Christian, Woodinville, WA.             School Chapel
June 8th            Bellewood Presbyterian, Bellevue, WA.         Sunday Sermon.
June 10th          Bellevue Christian, Woodinville, WA.             School Chapel
June 22nd         Green Lake Presbyterian, Seattle, WA.          Sunday Sermon.
June 28-29th     All Saints Church, Boise, WA.                         Missions Conference.
July 6th             Covenant Presbyterian, Lander, WY.             Sunday Sermon.
July 13th           Hillcrest Presbyterian, Seattle, WA.              Sunday Sermon.
July 20th           Hillcrest Presbyterian, Seattle, WA.              Sunday Sermon.
July 27th           Faith Presbyterian, Tacoma, WA.                   Sunday Evening.
August 24th      Hillcrest Presbyterian, Seattle, WA.              Sunday Sermon.
August 31st      Hillcrest Presbyterian, Seattle, WA.              Sunday Sermon.

1 comment:

Henrik said...
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