The Backstory: God had promised Abraham multiple descendants and a homeland to bless the world (Genesis 12:1-3, 15, 17). His descendants ended up enslaved in Egypt, but God rescued them through Moses and they began their conquest of their 'promised land' under Joshua and they took full possession of it under Israel’s king, David. They were to be God’s ‘holy nation’ (Exodus 19:4-6) and yet, instead of being a ‘light to the nations’ they became idolatrous like the other nations. The nation was divided, the North was scattered and the Southern kingdom were taken into Babylonian captivity for 70 years. Because God was determined to bless the world through Abraham and make a ‘Son of David’ king over God’s people forever (2 Samuel 7:12-14) they returned to their land under the Persians. However, they remained dominated in their own land and at the time of the Roman Empire they were longing for God to send a ‘conquering king’ to liberate them (Isaiah 42:1-9, 61:1-3)!The Boy Jesus in the Temple (LK 2:41-52)
41 We next find Jesus attending the
Passover festival in Jerusalem with his parents when he’s 12 years old. Mary
and Joseph were faithful to the law and they raised Jesus to be a faithful Jew.
43 After
the feast, they set out with their group of friends and family to return to
Galilee. Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but his parents didn’t realize it
until had traveled for a day. They would
have been among a large group friends and relatives and felt that Jesus was
safely among them without having Jesus next to them.
45 Once they realize Jesus wasn’t among
them, they return to Jerusalem without their extended group. They frantically search
Jerusalem and they were unable to find him for three days. 46
Finally, they look in the temple
where they find Jesus in the temple asking the teachers various questions. 47
Those listening to the exchange
were amazed at his understanding.
48 They’re probably worried and scared so
when they see him in the temple among the teachers, his mother says, “Son, why
have you treated us like this? We’ve been looking for you.” 49
Jesus is surprised that they
didn’t know that he had to be in his Father’s house. 50 They fail to understand him, 51
but Mary treasured these
things up in her heart. 52
Then they return to Nazareth and Jesus
grew in wisdom and in favor with God and people.
Jewish men were required to attend all three annual festivals in Jerusalem, but only the Passover was strictly observed. Joseph took his wife
annually, and they brought Jesus when he was twelve years
of old. At 12 a Jewish boy would normally be
instructed and could entry the religious community. After they celebrated the feast, Mary and Joseph left
with their group of extended family and friends.
Yet, Jesus had stayed behind, so they return to Jerusalem without their group.
At Passover time, the city of 25,000 would swell with up to a 100,000
visitors. Jerusalem would become a potentially scary place with plenty of soldiers, traders and
other strangers there. Mary and Joseph’s three day search ends with Jesus among
the teachers in the temple. Mary blames Jesus, but Jesus gently rebukes his
mother saying, ‘I had to be in my father’s house.’ Even at that early age Jesus’ relationship
with God was his priority. They didn’t understand him, but Jesus was careful to obey his parents. His comments were beyond their understanding, but ary treasured it up in her heart.
In Luke's gospel the Temple is central. Zechariah had his vision in the temple. Simeon and Anna, find Jesus in
the temple and here Jesus is in the temple discussing things with the teachers of
the law. Moreover, Luke's travel narrative will progress towards the Jerusalem Temple (9:51-19:48).
Then, after Jesus' resurrection and ascencion Luke’s gospel will end with the disciples in the Temple praising God at the dawn of a new age (24:50-53).
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