The Backstory: Remember how God called Abraham and promised him a
homeland and multiple descendants to bless the world. Abraham’s descendants
multiplied but were enslaved in Egypt. God called Moses who led Israel out of Egypt to Mount Sinai
were God formed them into the nation of Israel that was to be ‘kingdom of
priests’. They began to take possession of their land under Joshua but they would need a king to be a ‘light to the
nations’. God found in David a king
after His own heart and promised David a ‘perpetual kingship’
over God’s people. It was David’s son, Solomon, who built the Jerusalem Temple as a dwelling
place for God among His people. But Solomon’s many foreign wives introduced an
idolatry that split the nation. The ‘Northern
kingdom’ would be scattered by the Assyrians and the ‘Southern Kingdom’ was later carried into ‘Exile in Babylon for 70 years’. When
the Persians conquered the Babylonians they allowed
the Jews to return to their land but Israel remained dominated by various Pagan
empires. God’s people were waiting for a ‘conquering king’ to restore the
kingdom and God sent
Jesus, who was announced by John the Baptist and ‘anointed
by the Spirit’ at his baptism. Then Jesus, after overcoming the Devil’s temptations
in the wilderness, went around proclaiming the ‘Kingdom of God’. Jesus formed a
‘new people (12)’ around himself and once his disciples recognized his Messianic identity he
made his way to Jerusalem where he was enthroned as ‘KING of the JEWS’ on a cross.
He looked like a failure, but three days later Jesus
was ‘declared with
power to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead’ (Romans 1:4). Then
after showing himself to be alive to his disciples with many convincing proofs he
ascended into heaven after telling his disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the
gift of the Father, the promised Holy Spirit. This brings us to the ‘Story of Pentecost’
from Acts 2. Watch the story being told and read the comments below.
Pentecost (Acts 2):
On the ‘Day of Pentecost’ all the believers were gathered together
when the sound of a violent wind filled
their house. Something like tongues of fire came down and rested on them. They
were ‘all’ filled with the Holy Spirit and they spoke in other languages as the
Spirit enabled them. God-fearing Jews from throughout the empire were in
Jerusalem for Pentecost crowded around the house. The crowd was amazed because
they heard these Galilean disciples ‘praising God’ but each in their own
languages. Some in the crowd wanted to know what this meant but others accused
the disciples of having had too much wine (Acts 2:1-13). So Peter addressed the
crowd to explain the matter.
Pentecost was an
agricultural festival fifty days after Passover. Pentecost was a celebration of
the first fruits of the harvest and it had become associated with the ‘giving
of the law’ at Sinai. The law was given at Sinai roughly 50 days after that
first Passover. All this was a reminder of God bringing Israel out of Egypt and
into the land promised. So the day was about God providing for His redeemed
people whom He called to do His will on the earth. Moses had gone up Mt. Sinai
and had come down with the law, and external summary of God’s will. In his
ascension, Jesus had gone up into heaven
and at Pentecost the Holy Spirit came down to empower God’s people to do God’s
will. At Sinai 3000 were put to death because of the idolatry of the ‘golden
calf’ incident. Yet, at Pentecost 3000 were baptized and added to the number of
God’s people (Exodus 32:25-28, Acts 2:41).
Pentecost advanced the story
of the covenant God made with Abraham to bless the world (Genesis 12:1-3, Galatians
3:8, 14). Abraham’s call follows and reverses the ‘Tower of Babel’ incident where
God had confused language to prevent the people from working together in
opposition to His will (Genesis 11). In contrast at Pentecost when the disciples
declared the ‘wonders of God’ those in the crowd were enabled to hear them in
their own languages with no translation. This linguist unity was a testimony
that God was now extending His reign throughout the earth (Acts 1:8). This was
the Spirit’s empowerment which Jesus had promised to enable his disciples to testify
about him throughout the earth. So Pentecost represents a significant advance in
God’s plan to bless the world through Abraham. To do this God was now has
pouring out His Spirit on ‘all people’ as foretold by the Prophet Joel (Acts
2:4, 17, Joel 2:28-32).
in the crowd sought an explanation while others thought the disciples were
babbling drunkards. So Peter explained that this was what God had said through
the prophet Joel regarding God pouring out His Spirit
on ‘all people’ in the ‘last days’. Their sons and daughters would prophesy,
their young men would see visions, their old men would dream dreams and God
would poured out His Spirit on ‘all His servants’. The ‘last days’ had come and
the final ‘Day of the Lord’ when the sun would go dark and the moon would turn
to blood would come. For now God would pour out His Spirit on ‘all peoples’ including all genders, all ages, all ethnicities and all
who calling on the Lord, that is Jesus, will be saved (2:21).
Peter preached Jesus as a man who had
been accredited to them by signs
and wonders and yet they had handed Jesus over to be put to death on a cross.
But this was all part of God’s set purpose for David had foretold how God would
‘not abandon Jesus to the grave, or let His Holy One see decay’ (Psalm 16). King David had died and was buried but God had
promised to enthrone one of David’s descendants (2 Sam.7:12-14). David had
foretold the resurrection and the ascension of Jesus Christ. So God exalted to Jesus
to His right hand and Jesus had poured out the Holy Spirit. This was Peter’s explanation
for what was observed that day at Pentecost. David hadn’t ascended into heaven,
and yet the Psalm (Ps 110) said, “‘The Lord said to my Lord: “Sit at my right
hand until I make your
enemies a footstool for your feet.” Peter concluded by announcing that God had
made the crucified Jesus, both Lord and Christ (Acts 2:22-36). The resurrection confirmed that Jesus was true Messianic Davidic king
and the ascension indicated that Messiah Jesus was the Lord of all the earth.
This is the good news is that Jesus
is both Messiah and Lord, and in his death Jesus had conquered sin and death
changing everything.
Peter’s hearers were ‘cut to the heart’ and asked what they should do. Peter
told them to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the
forgiveness of sins and they would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Peter
assured them that the promise was for them and for their children and for all
who were ‘far off’; for all who the Lord would call. 3000 believed Peter’s
message and were baptized. The believers devoted themselves to the apostles’
teaching, to the fellowship, the breaking of bread, and to prayer as essential
practices. They shared everything in common and the apostles did many miraculous
signs. They met together daily in the temple courts and they broke bread in
their homes regularly and the Lord added to their number daily those who were
being saved (Acts 2:37-47).
These early Christians were
a family unified around the resurrected Christ who had ascended into heaven where
he was enthroned as the Lord of all the earth. From his heavenly throne Jesus
had poured out God’s Holy Spirit and as a result these early Christians simply couldn’t
help but speak about the Jesus they had seen and heard. Their speech was transformed
but so were their lives for they were a family that shared everything in common.
As we reflect on this early Christian community we can only wonder why we fall
so short of their example.
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